

Cubis 2Puzzle games lover huh? Awesome, I got some good flash game for you – Cubis 2. As a name suggests this is second version of the game, which means that game has decent popularity. So what are main changes in this new release? First of all graphics of the game, new features in game menu and of course new challenging maps that are so complicated that you will struggle big time before you will figure out how to resolve it.

What I like about this game the most is that it has three-dimensional interface, other puzzle games are usually primitive and two-dimensional. Your main objective in this game is to solve three-dimensional puzzle by placing cubes in specific sequence based on their color. In order to make task harder for you and more challenging developers added to the game obstacles, such as: ghost cube, bomb cube and dual cube. Sure these cubes will make it harder for you to clear playing field, but keep in mind that apart from obstacle-cubes there are magic cubes as well that help you to achieve your objective. As you can see game is pretty balanced.

Your success in the game is calculated by how many levels you have passed and on how many points you have acquired. Work hard and do your best to achieve maximum score.


P.S. Keep in mind that apart from this main page where you can play game for free there are other useful pages as well which you might be interested in. First of all visit our ‘About‘ page where you can learn more about our blog and what it is all about and second visit ‘Tips‘ page as well in order to learn how game works, which tactics you should use and other useful things as well. From time to time we will add more content, more guides, etc. Stay in touch and subscribe to our newsletter, if you have any questions use contact form.

P.P.S. We have other interesting games as well, we have all parts of Pandemic game series (1 & 2), all parts of Tank Trouble (1, 2 & 3) and of course all versions of Zombocalypse (1 & 2). Like I have said before we update our blog pretty often so make sure that you don’t miss any important news, visit us from time to time.

Oh, and more, just in case you are a fan of quiz games, check out our following game. You will love it, it is hilarious and funny, enjoy @